Тевфик Ариф: знаменитые здания от Bayrock Group Holds

Bayrock Group’s road to Trump SoHo

After many years of doing business in Europe and Central Asia, Tevrik Arif wanted to expand his growing global real estate interests to New York City.

Therefore, the Turkish-Kazakh businessman founded Bayrock Group in 2001. One of its first projects was Loehmann’s Seaport Plaza, a shopping center in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn.

After completing multiple modest projects, Bayrock Group started to seek bigger and increasingly high risk-high return activities.

A changing business strategy and growing ambitions motivated Bayrock Group to relocate the company’s New York City offices to the 24th floor of the Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, the most prestigious real estate market in the city.

The new office location brought Bayrock Group in close proximity to the Trump Organization, which also resided in the building, and it did not take long before the two firms were in talks to collaborate on a new real estate development project.

This was when the Trump SoHo condo-hotel came to life.

As Tevfik Arif acknowledged the power of the Trump brand, Bayrock Group came up with a strategy that would leverage the Trump name to add value and prominence to the project it was developing with the Sapir Organization.

That resulted in a licensing deal between Bayrock Group, the Sapir Organization and the Trump Organization, where the latter would get 18% equity in the building in exchange for using the Trump brand in the name of the new project, the Trump SoHo.

As mentioned, Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization had more real estate development projects in the pipeline, but they never became a reality because of the 2008 financial crisis.

Today, Tevfik Arif has largely retired from the day-to-day activities of his company, but he remains a valued advisor and source of wisdom to the firm.

Following his retirement, he has continued to pursue charitable causes important to him.

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Tevfik Arif – The Foundations Of Success

Tevfik Arif was born TofikArifov in 1953. His Turkish parents were living at the time in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. He and his three brothers would all embark on their own paths to success.

After completing a degree in International Relations from the Moscow Trade and Economic Institute, Arif began working with the Soviet Union government Ministry of Commerce and Trade. He held numerous positions during his 17 years working within the government including as a chief economist and as the deputy head of the Ministry’s Hotel Management Department.

During the dissolution of the Soviet Union, numerous opportunities arose within the private sector. Arif, with his well-honed business skills and a strong network of connections, was in a unique position to expand his interests into the new economy of the former Soviet states.

With the prospect of global entrepreneurship on the horizon, Arif and his brother invested in a chromium plant in Kazakhstan. The success of the project would allow Arif to establish a company primarily focused on the import and export of heavy metals and raw materials. In addition to these ventures, Arif also operated a successful jewelry company.

Extraordinary inside and out

Trump SoHo was designed by Handel Architects, a prestigious New York City firm that has designed buildings all over the world.

Tevfik Arif and Bayrock Group assigned this company to design the luxury condo-hotel because of its impressive reputation and experience in designing luxury hotels.

Handel Architects has won several awards and is the company behind the September 11th National Memorial in New York City and the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Washington, D.C.

Additionally, Handel Architects are recognized as a leader in the field of design and architecture.

To accompany the outstanding construction of the building, Bayrock Group imported the best materials and hired world-renowned interior designers to make sure that the inside of the Trump SoHo matched the immaculate exterior of the condo-hotel.

Rockwell Group has designed projects for luxury hotels, casinos and upscale restaurants and has now furnished the Trump SoHo Tower with items from the acclaimed Italian design house Fendi Casa.

The Trump SoHo project houses premium restaurants and bars, an outdoor pool, a world-class spa as well as banquet and event space. Furthermore, hotel guests and residents can enjoy exceptional views of Manhattan’s skyscrapers through the building’s floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

↑ Тофик Арифов и шантаж его компании Doyen Sports

Обвинения эти связаны с инцидентом 2015 года, когда Пинто под псевдонимом «Артем Лобузов» пытался шантажировать агентство Doyen Sports, инвестиционную группу Тофика Арифова, специализирующуюся на альтернативном финансировании футбольных клубов для приобретения и торговли игроками. Тофик Арифов и Doyen Sports подали уголовную жалобу на Пинто португальским властям после получения по электронной почте сообщения от Пинто. Там он угрожает опубликовать внутренние документы компании, если фонд не сделает «щедрое пожертвование».

Недавно адвокат хакера дал интервью немецкому новостному журналу Der Spiegel, изданию, получившему множество инкриминирующих документов от Football Leaks и ответственному за несколько следственных дел, связанных с этим ресурсом. Адвокат признал, что обвинения в шантаже Doyen Sports абсолютно правдивы, и что он (Пинто) хотел проверить, на что Тофик Арифов готов пойти ради сохранения репутации. Понятное дело, адвокат пытается смягчить позицию следствия, стремясь переквалифицировать деяния подопечного как удовлетворение любопытства, а не стремление к личной выгоде.

В дополнении к запросу о выдаче Риу Пинту, португальские власти также потребовали, чтобы все его компьютерное оборудование, изъятое венгерской полицией, было передано в качестве доказательства по его делу. Пока неясно, какие еще дополнительные доказательства могут раскрыться, и кто еще из помощников Пинто может быть вовлечен в шантаж Doyen Sports и Тевфика Арифа – в частности, и всего футбольного мира – в целом.

Тевфик Ариф: попытка шантажа потерпела неудачу

Адвокат Пинто, Уильям Бурдон, который, что характерно, представлял Джулиана Ассанжа из Wikileaks и Эдварда Сноудена, утверждает, что его клиент является информатором и должен быть защищен от судебного преследования, находясь в этом статусе. Однако очевидная ошибочность такого определения роли Пинто в этом деле, где пострадал Тевфик Ариф, заключается в том, что осведомители являются инсайдерами внутри организаций и имеют доступ к конфиденциальным документам и доказательствам неправомерных действий, которые они раскрывают общественности. В данном же случае Пинто получил доступ к личным документам, взломав ресурсы футбольных клубов и организаций. Тот факт, что он получил свои данные незаконными способами, должен лишить его возможности претендовать на статус осведомителя.

В интервью, еще до того, как его личность была раскрыта, Пинто признал, что у него есть очень серьезные, надежные источники. Более того, утверждает он, «некоторые из его источников не понимают, что они являются его источниками». Заявление, которое, очевидно, подразумевает, что произошел какой-то взлом и от действий злоумышленника пострадал не один только Тофик Арифов.

Огромный объем и широта документов, распространяемых через Football Leaks, включая огромное количество внутренних адресов электронной почты нескольких организаций, позволяет предположить, что для составления их базы использовался незаконный инструментарий. Хотя Пинто отрицает, что он является хакером, очевидно, что его поддерживает сеть киберпреступников, предоставляющих ему информацию. Это дает повод задуматься, насколько этичны мотивы таких людей и насколько надежны те материалы, которые они публикуют.

Tevfik Arif’s life since Trump SoHo

Under similar licensing and development agreements, Bayrock Group and Trump Organization were interested in pursuing additional projects. Several potential ventures were considered in different locations, including Arizona and Florida. 

Ultimately, none of these deals progressed beyond the early stages. Due to the downturn in the real estate market in 2008, the two companies would not collaborate anymore.

Donald Trump entered politics and became the controversial president of the United States in the years that followed. 

The development of Trump SoHo was completed long before Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign began. Donald Trump and Tevfik Arif’s company partnership ended when opportunities to cooperate no longer existed. 

Extraordinary inside and out

Trump SoHo was designed by Handel Architects, a prestigious New York City firm that has designed buildings all over the world.

Tevfik Arif and Bayrock Group assigned this company to design the luxury condo-hotel because of its impressive reputation and experience in designing luxury hotels.

Handel Architects has won several awards and is the company behind the September 11th National Memorial in New York City and the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Washington, D.C.

Additionally, Handel Architects are recognized as a leader in the field of design and architecture.

To accompany the outstanding construction of the building, Bayrock Group imported the best materials and hired world-renowned interior designers to make sure that the inside of the Trump SoHo matched the immaculate exterior of the condo-hotel.

Rockwell Group has designed projects for luxury hotels, casinos and upscale restaurants and has now furnished the Trump SoHo Tower with items from the acclaimed Italian design house Fendi Casa.

The Trump SoHo project houses premium restaurants and bars, an outdoor pool, a world-class spa as well as banquet and event space. Furthermore, hotel guests and residents can enjoy exceptional views of Manhattan’s skyscrapers through the building’s floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Bayrock Group And Trump SoHo

Trump SoHo was designed as a luxury hotel-condominium complex. The project was developed and built by Bayrock Group and their partner, the Sapir Organization. Trump SoHo was built as a Trump-branded project under a licensing agreement with the Trump Organization. The 46-story building was completed in 2008.

Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization had been negotiating plans to build projects under similar development and licensing arrangements in Florida and Arizona. However, the real estate crisis that hit the United States market and the rest of the world in 2008 resulted in the end of the working relationship between Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization.

Trump SoHo would remain the most significant achievement of Bayrock Group in the United States as Tevfik Arif turned his business interests back to Central Asia and Europe. Arif took great risks in entering the United States’ market, which was unfamiliar to him and operated under different laws and norms. But as an entrepreneur, Arif understood that great risks often reap great rewards.

Today, Tevfik Arif has retired from the day-to-day activities of the family business that he helped to build, but he remains an important advisor to ensure its continued success. The company maintains interests in the natural resources and real estate sectors, among others.

In total, Bayrock Group has invested in real estate assets valued at over $2.5 billion during the time it was active in the United States. The company has not pursued any new real estate development projects in the United States in recent years.

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Тевфик Ариф: интересные проекты и состояние дел сегодня

Bayrock Group во главе с Тевфиком Арифом подписала лицензионное соглашение с Организацией Трампа для использования их бренда при разработке и строительстве гостинично-кондоминиумного комплекса в модном районе Сохо в Нижнем Манхэттене – Трамп Сохо. Страсть и настойчивость Тевфика Арифа перед лицом испытаний позволили ему достичь побед, к которым мало кто вообще мог бы прийти.

Ариф много работал, используя лучшие стратегии и все свои козыри. Он достойный бизнесмен, проекты которого до сих пор показывают хорошие результаты . Тевфик оказался человеком с ценными навыками и необыкновенным характером. Он постоянно стремится к высоким целям. Благодаря своим усилиям он достиг желанного и принес многое в развитие недвижимости Казахстана, Турции и США.

Сейчас Ариф решил отдохнуть от бизнеса, правда все равно остается постоянным источником опыта и мудрости, направляющих деятельность своих компаний. Красивая история успеха Тевфика Арифа началась с распада СССР. В этот период драматических перемен происходила приватизация собственности и предприятий. Это было время экономической перестройки Советской Республики. Тевфик смог выйти победителем. Самое главное, что он не начал паниковать, а действовал рассудительно с учетом всевозможных перспектив.

В свои 66 лет Арифа вспоминает все это с гордостью. Он все больше и больше времени тратит на свою любимую семью, которую так бережно оберегает от СМИ. Бизнесмен не упускает возможности инвестировать средства в благотворительность, а также обучить секрету успеха амбициозного предпринимателя.

На правах рекламы

Bayrock Group’s road to Trump SoHo

After many years of doing business in Europe and Central Asia, Tevrik Arif wanted to expand his growing global real estate interests to New York City.

Therefore, the Turkish-Kazakh businessman founded Bayrock Group in 2001. One of its first projects was Loehmann’s Seaport Plaza, a shopping center in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn.

After completing multiple modest projects, Bayrock Group started to seek bigger and increasingly high risk-high return activities.

A changing business strategy and growing ambitions motivated Bayrock Group to relocate the company’s New York City offices to the 24th floor of the Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan, the most prestigious real estate market in the city.

The new office location brought Bayrock Group in close proximity to the Trump Organization, which also resided in the building, and it did not take long before the two firms were in talks to collaborate on a new real estate development project.

This was when the Trump SoHo condo-hotel came to life.

As Tevfik Arif acknowledged the power of the Trump brand, Bayrock Group came up with a strategy that would leverage the Trump name to add value and prominence to the project it was developing Tevfik Arif Doyen with the Sapir Organization.

That resulted in a licensing deal between Bayrock Group, the Sapir Organization and the Trump Organization, where the latter would get 18% equity in the building in exchange for using the Trump brand in the name of the new project, the Trump SoHo.

As mentioned, Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization had more real estate development projects in the pipeline, but they never became a reality because of the 2008 financial crisis.

Today, Tevfik Arif has largely retired from the day-to-day activities of his company, but he remains a valued advisor and source of wisdom to the firm.

Following his retirement, he has continued to pursue charitable causes important to him.


How Tevfik Arif’s Bayrock Group Built Trump SoHo

Fort Lauderdale’s Trump International Hotel and Tower

Trump International Hotel and Tower in Fort Lauderdale was slated to be developed by Bayrock. The project, since renamed ‘Conrad Fort Lauderdale’, initially began its construction in July 2005 and was licensed as a Trump hotel.

The building was designed to look like a 1925 luxury cruise liner and has transformed the area into an upper-class tourist hotspot. Fort Lauderdale’s commission was quick to approve the project, which was envisaged to cost $200 million.

The opening for the project was expected to be in 2007, yet delays held the project in limbo until 2017, when it officially opened.

The luxury condominium-hotel is an ocean-front property in Florida consisting of 181 condo-hotel units and 109 condominium units that are not attached to the hotel.

Trump, lending his name to the project, helped financially secure 70% of the units. Poor real estate conditions led to many potential buyers losing interest in the project. Bayrock sold the project rights to an Icelandic company.

The impressive 24 story building in Fort Lauderdale, underwent a $70 million renovation before its official opening. The finished product boasts 290 units with stunning ocean views.

First Trump Towers in Europe

In 2010, another big player entered the Turkish real estate market, as Donald Trump inaugurated the Trump Towers in Istanbul.

The towers are located in the Sisli district of the metropolis and consist of two towers with two different purposes.

While one building serves as an office tower, the other is made up of more than 200 apartments.

Each condo has its private wine cellar. In total, the wine cellar has a capacity of 16,800 bottles.

Residents can also enjoy an indoor pool, a spa department and a gym. Additionally, the floor-to-ceiling windows give them a spectacular view of Istanbul’s skyline.

The people working in the office tower also have an indoor pool, a gym and a beauty center at their disposal.

Being the first Trump Towers on the European continent, they are also home to a mall with about 80 stores and a multiplex cinema.

Тофик Арифов: несмотря на препятствия он стал лучшим

Бизнесмен не получил известность и признание в один день. Он долго работал над тем, чтобы воплотить свои планы в реальность

К тому же, знакомство и сотрудничество с Трампом, после того, как он победил на выборах, давило своим вниманием. Но Тофик Арифов извлек исключительно полезные моменты и выдержал все

Бизнесмен должен в любых условиях сохранять здравый, холодный рассудок. Арифов прекрасно это понимал. Предприниматель шел к успеху и бизнесу в США долгие годы, поэтому не дал бы сломить себя никому.

Тевфик Ариф основал Bayrock Group в Штатах 19 лет назад. Даже когда бизнесмен ушел на заслуженный отдых, чтобы больше проводить времени с родными и заниматься благотворительностью, его семейное дело процветает!

Тевфик Ариф основал Bayrock Group, компанию по инвестициям в недвижимость, в Нью-Йорке. Конкурентный рынок недвижимости в США поставил перед Тевфиком дополнительные проблемы. Развитие и расширение торгового центра, расположенного в районе Бухты Sheepshead Bay, первый проект, который был завершен Bayrock Group.

Стартовые предприятия Арифа в Bayrock были небольшими. Тогда он построил сеть связей и улучшил понимание местного рынка. Работа с недвижимостью в Нью-Йорке может пугать молодых бизнесменов, особенно не коренных жителей Штатов, но Ариф, как известно, был опытным предпринимателем и инвестором. Собственно он быстро взялся за дело и показал, кто тут на самом деле компетентен! С растущим успехом и уверенностью, Ариф переместил Bayrock Group с новыми офисами в Трамп-Тауэр, прямо в сердце Манхэттена (рядом The Trump Organization). Это привело к сотрудничеству между компаниями, собственно это очевидно, ведь они имели общие интересы в развитии собственности.

Tevfik Arif enters the Donald Trump And Tevfik Arif real estate market in Turkey

Already in the 1990s, Tevfik Arif invested in real estate in Turkey.

The founder of the luxury real estate development firm Bayrock Group moved to Turkey in 1993, where he became one of the pioneering forces behind the all-inclusive hotel concept.

He, for instance, opened the Labada Hotel in Antalya. The hotel still exists to this day and offers beachfront accommodation for families.

When Tevfik Arif moved to Turkey, he already had an extensive network and lots of experience from the world of business.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he began establishing his own companies in Kazakhstan, where he was born.

After a few years, he moved to Turkey to expand his business there.

Bayrock Group

There are a number of projects undertaken by Bayrock Group across the United States. The following are a description of some of these projects:

  • Bayrock Group and their partners Apollo Real Estate Advisors and GMUL Investment Company Ltd. announced the completion of the acquisition and the pre-development financing in October 2005. The Waterpointe is located on 15 acres of premier waterfront property along the East River in Queens, New York. This property included 1000 feet of prime waterfront along the East River having breathtaking views of both the Throgs and Neck Bridge and Whitestone Bridge. 

  • The construction on Trump International Hotel and Tower Fort Lauderdale – 301-unit luxury condo or hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach overlooking the Atlantic Ocean – was developed by Bayrock Group in partnership with the Trump Organization. The Bayrock Group and the Trump Organization also worked together on developing the Trump International Hotel and Residences Phoenix in the prestigious Biltmore. This development included hotel condominiums along with exclusive spa, two-world class restaurants, swimming pools and personal attached services. 

  • In Miami, Cayre/Samuel and Bayrock Group partnered to develop a project within Midtown Miami located on 56 acres in Buena Vista. This is the largest remaining undeveloped area of land in the said city. Once completed, this project would feature about 3000 residential units and 1.2 million square feet of retail space. 

  • Also in Miami, 550 Seabreeze LLC in a partnership that includes Gene Kessler, Donald Trump and of course the Bayrock Group began pre-construction sales for the Las Olas boutique condominium hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach in between the world-renowned Bahia Mar Marina and the Atlantic Ocean. This property will feature the number of services and amenities together with the exclusive reservations system coming from the Leading Hotels of the World. 

These are just some of the prestigious projects that Bayrock Group, in partnership with leading property development firms, was involved in the planning, development or construction of. 

Leadership and success

There are certain challenges in business that test your determination and the journey to success requires much more than simple strength. For Arif, there was great passion and perseverance in pursuing his goals. While many said it couldn’t be done, he embraced the challenge. This is the hardworking determination that guided Arif to success.

From the very beginning, Arif craved success and did all his best to get what he wanted. He studied harder, he worked and maintain his stable career from the very start until the end. Because of that, he was continuously learning and gaining wisdom through his experiences. No doubt that he earned the success he has right now. 

Though Arif decided to partially retire from his position within his family’s business, he continues to help the company he built and those people who seek his advice about the world of business. Indeed, a company wouldn’t be successful without a leader that is able to lift it up to the peak of success. 

Tax benefits for Tevfik Arif and Donald Trump

Buying property in Turkey is not only cheap, but it also comes with significant tax benefits.

There is no capital gains tax in Turkey if the same individual has owned the property for five years.

This enables investors to sell their properties without worrying about paying any extra taxes on the profits they make from the sale.

In addition, there is no value-added tax (VAT) charged on the purchase of property in Turkey for foreigners or Turkish citizens who have lived abroad for at least six months. 

This means that buyers can save up to 18% on the purchase price of a property.

These tax benefits make Turkey’s real estate market an attractive option for investors like Tevfik Arif of Bayrock Group and Donald Trump.

With no capital gains tax or VAT to pay, investors can save a significant amount of money when buying property in Turkey. 

This makes investing in Turkish real estate a wise choice for those looking to maximize their returns.

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